Apple - Chrome Mac gesture conflict with horizontal scrolling

You can disable chromes gestures by going to System Preference > Mouse OR Trackpad > More Gestures > and uncheck Swipe between pages.

I still love gestures so I downloaded BetterTouchTools which allows me to make the gestures I want. I disabled all apples gestures then created my own. You can get very custom with gestures this way. Or if you prefer, leave some of apples gestures on and use BetterTouchTools for the more custom ones.

Oh, BetterTouchTools is free :)

Turn off AppleEnableSwipeNavigateWithScrolls.

In your terminal, run this command:

defaults write AppleEnableSwipeNavigateWithScrolls -bool FALSE

Then quit Chrome if you have it running, re-launch it and tada, no more navigate-back-on-scroll-left.

If you ever need to turn it back on again, just set it to TRUE:

defaults write AppleEnableSwipeNavigateWithScrolls -bool TRUE

Picked this up over here.