Chrome New Tab Page Broken...Only get "chrome-internal://newtab/"

I had the same problem in Google Chrome 33.0.1750.117 Windows.

The problem in my case was the IMDB extension, which I have now deactivated till they fix it.

To figure out which extension is responsible for your cause, follow these steps.

  1. Create a new tab page
  2. Right click in the empty page --> Inspect element.
  3. Click on Resources --> Frames --> (newtab.html) --> Scripts
  4. Here you'll see the script files from the extension which causes the trouble.
  5. In my example the ID of the extension is: jipolnkooheenpfdecoclcohihplijco.
  6. To get the name to the ID just google it. In my case its IMDB, which you can see at the following screenshot:

enter image description here

From Saro Jooren on Google Product Forums 1:

chrome-internal://newtab was a special internal URL used for old versions of the New Tab Page which is no longer supported and has been removed. ( For details see - Remove unused kChromeInternalScheme "chrome-internal" )

If you are using this in a bookmark, instead change to: chrome://newtab

If opening a New Tab page gets an error about chrome-internal://newtab, then you have an old New Tab Extension that uses this old URL that no longer works. You can look for updated New Tab Page extensions from the Chrome webstore:

Or you can find which of your extensions is causing the problem. Go to chrome://extensions and first disable all your extensions (or disable any extensions you don't recognize) and re-test. Your New Tab page should be fine after that. Then re-enable your extensions one-by-one to see which one was causing that error.