chrome webrtc screen sharing code example
Example: webrtc screen sharing without extension
var webRTCAdaptor = new WebRTCAdaptor({
websocket_url : websocketURL,
mediaConstraints : mediaConstraints,
peerconnection_config : pc_config,
sdp_constraints : sdpConstraints,
localVideoId : "localVideo",
callback : function(info, obj) {
if (info == "initialized") {
start_publish_button.disabled = false;
stop_publish_button.disabled = true;
} else if (info == "publish_started") {
//stream is being published
console.log("publish started");
start_publish_button.disabled = true;
stop_publish_button.disabled = false;
} else if (info == "publish_finished") {
//stream is being finished
console.log("publish finished");
start_publish_button.disabled = false;
stop_publish_button.disabled = true;
else if (info == "browser_screen_share_supported") {
screen_share_checkbox.disabled = false;
console.log("browser screen share supported"); = "none";
else if (info == "screen_share_stopped") {
console.log("screen share stopped");
else if (info == "closed") {
//console.log("Connection closed");
if (typeof obj != "undefined") {
console.log("Connecton closed: " + JSON.stringify(obj));
else if (info == "pong") {
//ping/pong message are sent to and received from server to make the connection alive all the time
//It's especially useful when load balancer or firewalls close the websocket connection due to inactivity
else if (info == "refreshConnection") {
else if (info == "ice_connection_state_changed") {
console.log("iceConnectionState Changed: ",JSON.stringify(obj));
else if (info == "updated_stats") {
//obj is the PeerStats which has fields
//averageOutgoingBitrate - kbits/sec
//currentOutgoingBitrate - kbits/sec
console.log("Average outgoing bitrate " + obj.averageOutgoingBitrate + " kbits/sec"
+ " Current outgoing bitrate: " + obj.currentOutgoingBitrate + " kbits/sec");
callbackError : function(error, message) {
//some of the possible errors, NotFoundError, SecurityError,PermissionDeniedError
console.log("error callback: " + JSON.stringify(error));
var errorMessage = JSON.stringify(error);
if (typeof message != "undefined") {
errorMessage = message;
var errorMessage = JSON.stringify(error);
if (error.indexOf("NotFoundError") != -1) {
errorMessage = "Camera or Mic are not found or not allowed in your device";
else if (error.indexOf("NotReadableError") != -1 || error.indexOf("TrackStartError") != -1) {
errorMessage = "Camera or Mic is being used by some other process that does not let read the devices";
else if(error.indexOf("OverconstrainedError") != -1 || error.indexOf("ConstraintNotSatisfiedError") != -1) {
errorMessage = "There is no device found that fits your video and audio constraints. You may change video and audio constraints"
else if (error.indexOf("NotAllowedError") != -1 || error.indexOf("PermissionDeniedError") != -1) {
errorMessage = "You are not allowed to access camera and mic.";
else if (error.indexOf("TypeError") != -1) {
errorMessage = "Video/Audio is required";
else if (error.indexOf("ScreenSharePermissionDenied") != -1) {
errorMessage = "You are not allowed to access screen share";
screen_share_checkbox.checked = false;
else if (error.indexOf("WebSocketNotConnected") != -1) {
errorMessage = "WebSocket Connection is disconnected.";