ChromeOptions causes reference error using Selenium ChromeDriver for node.js
The following works for me:
var webdriver = require("selenium-webdriver");
var chrome = require("selenium-webdriver/chrome");
// Make sure the PATH is set to find ChromeDriver. I'm on a Unix
// system. You'll need to adapt to whatever is needed for
// Windows. Actually, since you say that you can get a browser to show
// up if you don't try to specify options, your ChromeDriver is
// probably already on your PATH, so you can probably skip this.
process.env["PATH"] += ":/home/user/src/selenium/";
var options = new chrome.Options();
// Commented out because they are obviously not what you want.
// Uncomment and adapt as needed:
// options.setChromeBinaryPath("/tmp/foo");
// options.addArguments(["--blah"]);
var driver = new webdriver.Builder().
I've tested the code above with various values and found that it works.
If you want to see what else you can do with the Options
object, you can open node_modules/selenium_webdriver/chrome.js
and read the source. This is how I figured out the above method.