Chromium doesn't play sound

here's a simpler way to fix it: sudo apt-get install chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extra. Source: Bug #991758

I had this problem too. This is an old bug about Chromium: Issue 22152: <audio> tag doesn't work for extension resources. Anyway, I didn't understand how they fixed there (actually I have not bothered myself) - if they fixed (is written that it is fixed). Because of that I won't explain what is happening there.

I fixed it by following the following steps:

  • Download and install Google Chrome.
  • Replace /usr/lib/chromium-browser/ file with /opt/google/chrome/ (preventive, you can make a copy of the original file).


  • Optional, uninstall Google Chrome if you don't need anymore or if you don't intend to use it in the future.
  • Open Chromium browser and check if you can hear sounds now, in Google Translations for example.

Check if sound is working

I think, not sure, that this happens because many of the audio and video codecs included in Chrome aren't included in Chromium due to licensing, patents and stuff like this.


