Circles of text

a Bresenham circle in Scala (35)

The Bresenham - algorithm has 2 major points:

  • works without sin/ cosin.
  • you only calculate ¼*½ circle, the other points are found by mirroring.

How to do it:

       2 1  
   GFE  |  EFG
  IJ   y|----JI
 GJ     |    /JG
 F      |   / |F
DE      | r/  |ED
C       | /   | C
B 4     |/    | B 3
A       +-------A
B 4'          x B 3'
C               C
DE             ED
 F             F
 GJ           JG
  IJ         JI
   GFE     EFG
  • We only calculate the numbers from A in the zenit to I.
    • Point I is at 45°, defined by x == y.
    • Ground zero is where the + is.
    • The A in the zenit is the point (x=0, y=r), r = radius.
    • To draw a closed circle we move clockwise (++x), which is to the right (x+=1) or down to the next point, (y-=1).
    • every point(x,y) on the circle is r away from the center. Pythagoras says, r²=x²+y².
    • This smells like square-root and equitations with 2 solutions, but beware!
    • we start at A and want to know, whether we paint next the point below or the point beneath to the right.
  • we calculate for both points (x²+y²) and build for both the difference to r² (which stays of course constant).
    • since the difference can be negative, we take the abs from it.
    • then we look which point is closer to the result (r²), eo ipso smaller.
    • depending on that we draw the right or bottom neighbor.
  • the so found point
    • 1 x, y gets mirrored
    • 2 -x, y to the left
    • 3 y, x at the diagonal
    • 4 -y, x from there to the left
  • all those points get mirrored again to the south
    • 1' x, -y
    • 2' -x, -y
    • 3' y, -x
    • 4' -y, -x done.

This isn't code golf, but all those numbers at the top of the existing solutions made me think it is, so I spent useless time in golfing my solution. Therefore I added a useless number at the top too. It's 11 times Pi rounded.

object BresenhamCircle extends App {
    var count = 0
    val r = args(0).toInt
    // ratio > 1 means expansion in horizontal direction
    val ratio = args(1).toInt
    val field = ((0 to 2 * r).map (i=> (0 to 2 * r * ratio).map (j=> ' ').toArray)).toArray
    def square (x: Int, y: Int): Int = x * x + y * y
    def setPoint (x: Int, y: Int) {
        field (x)(y*ratio) = "Bresenham"(count)
        field (y)(x*ratio) = "Bresenham"(count)
    def points (x: Int, y: Int)
        setPoint (r + x, r + y)
        setPoint (r - x, r + y)
        setPoint (r + x, r - y)
        setPoint (r - x, r - y)
    def bresenwalk () {
        var x = 0;
        var y = r;
        val rxr = r * r
        points (x, y);
            val (dx, dy) = { if (math.abs (rxr - square ((x+1), y)) < math.abs (rxr - square (x, (y-1))))
                (1, 0)
                (0, -1) 
            count = (count + 1) % "Bresenham".length
            x += dx
            y += dy
            points (x, y)
        }while ((x <= y))
    bresenwalk ()
    println ( (_.mkString ("")).mkString ("\n"))

The font-question is decided by sites webserver and your browser settings. Now, that I'm looking it is

'Droid Sans Mono',Consolas,Menlo,Monaco,Lucida Console,Liberation Mono,DejaVu Sans Mono,Bitstream Vera Sans Mono,Courier New,monospace,serif

Font-size is 12px. Pretty useless information, if you ask me, but who does?

Bonus: ellipses and sample output:

The invocation is

    scala BresenhamCircle SIZE RATIO

for example

    scala BresenhamCircle 10 2
              s e r B r e s              
          h n e           e n h          
      e m a                   a m e      
    e r                           r e    
    m                               m    
  h a                               a h  
  n                                   n  
s e                                   e s
e                                       e
r                                       r
B                                       B
r                                       r
e                                       e
s e                                   e s
  n                                   n  
  h a                               a h  
    m                               m    
    e r                           r e    
      e m a                   a m e      
          h n e           e n h          
              s e r B r e s           

A ratio of 2 will print a circular shape for most fonts which happen to be about twice as tall than wide. To compensate for that, we widen by 2. 
# As smaller value than 2 only 1 is available: 

scala BresenhamCircle 6 1
  aes   sea  
 ah       ha 
 e         e 
es         se
r           r
B           B
r           r
es         se
 e         e 
 ah       ha 
  aes   sea  

# widening it has more freedom:

scala BresenhamCircle 12 5
                                             s    e    r    B    r    e    s                                             
                              a    h    n    e                             e    n    h    a                              
                         B    m                                                           m    B                         
                    e    r                                                                     r    e                    
               e    s                                                                               s    e               
          B    r                                                                                         r    B          
     a    m                                                                                                   m    a     
     h                                                                                                             h     
     n                                                                                                             n     
s    e                                                                                                             e    s
e                                                                                                                       e
r                                                                                                                       r
B                                                                                                                       B
r                                                                                                                       r
e                                                                                                                       e
s    e                                                                                                             e    s
     n                                                                                                             n     
     h                                                                                                             h     
     a    m                                                                                                   m    a     
          B    r                                                                                         r    B          
               e    s                                                                               s    e               
                    e    r                                                                     r    e                    
                         B    m                                                           m    B                         
                              a    h    n    e                             e    n    h    a                              
                                             s    e    r    B    r    e    s     

I restricted the ratio parameter for Int to keep it simple, but it can easily be widened to allow floats.

Javascript (360)

function c(r){var f=1.83;var e=2*Math.PI/(r*r*r*r*r);var s=r*2+1;var g=Array(s);for(var i=0;i<s;i++){g[i]=Array(Math.round(s*f))};for(var i=0;i<=2*Math.PI;i+=e) {var x=Math.round(f*r*Math.cos(i)+f*r);var y=Math.round(r*Math.sin(i))+r;g[y][x]=1;}for(var j=0;j<g.length;j++){for(var i=0;i<g[j].length;i++)document.write((g[j][i]==1)?'*':' ');document.writeln()}} (f is a correction factor for the line-height / font-width ratio. If you use a square font setting, i.e., set line-height = font-size, you can set f=1 and get "square" circles. Or set f arbitrarily for ellipses.)

Output for 3 (interestingly enough, accidentally exactly the same shape as OP), 5, 15:

 **      **  
**        ** 
*          * 
**        ** 
 **      **  

   ***       ****   
 ***            **  
**               ** 
*                 * 
*                 * 
*                 * 
**               ** 
 ***            **  
   ***       ****   

               ******             ******                 
            ****                       *****             
          ***                              ***           
        ***                                  ***         
      ***                                      ***       
     **                                          **      
    **                                            **     
   **                                              **    
  **                                                **   
 **                                                  **  
 *                                                    *  
**                                                    ** 
*                                                      * 
*                                                      * 
*                                                      * 
*                                                      * 
*                                                      * 
**                                                    ** 
 *                                                    *  
 **                                                  **  
  **                                                **   
   **                                              **    
    **                                            **     
     **                                          **      
      ***                                      ***       
        ***                                  ***         
          ***                              ***           
            ****                       *****             
               ******             ******                 

Python (172)

172 chars including the two mandatory newlines. Uses the Bresenham algorithm for conic curves (no divisions or multiplications); it only outputs circles for square fonts, but should be exempt from staircase effects (ie. always has the same width).

y=input();t=[y*[' ']for x in range(y)];x=0;y-=1;p=3-2*y
while x<=y:t[x][y]=t[y][x]='*';n,y=((x-y+1,y-1),(x,y))[p<0];p+=4*n+6;x+=1
for s in t[::-1]+t:print"".join(s[::-1]+s)

Not very pretty, but well, I thought I'd give it a shot.

 *    *
*      *
*      *
*      *
*      *
 *    *

       ***        ***
      *              *
     *                *
    *                  *
   *                    *
  *                      *
 *                        *
 *                        *
 *                        *
*                          *
*                          *
*                          *
*                          *
*                          *
*                          *
*                          *
*                          *
 *                        *
 *                        *
 *                        *
  *                      *
   *                    *
    *                  *
     *                *
      *              *
       ***        ***

Edit: typo, replaced addition with division.