Citation with some text inside square brackets

A recommendable choice would be to use natbib or better yet biblatex. Let's see with natbib:

 author={Caesar, Gaius Iulius},
 title={Commentarii de bello {Gallico}},


Here's a citation \cite[See:][p.~2]{01}

Another: \cite[p.~3]{01}.

Another: \cite{01}.



The \cite command has now two optional argument. When only one is present, it's the "post-citation"; if two are present, the first is the "pre-citation" and the second one the post-citation.

Without extra packages you can still emulate this behavior:

 author={Caesar, Gaius Iulius},
 title={Commentarii de bello {Gallico}},

\def\@cite#1#2{[{\new@cite@pre\space#1\if\relax\detokenize{#2}\relax\else, #2\fi}]}


Here's a citation \cite[See:][p.~2]{01}

Another: \cite[p.~3]{01}.

Another: \cite{01}.

Again: \cite[See:][]{01}



In case you want only the "pre-citation", use


with an empty second optional argument.

enter image description here

