City shapefile for free

Populated Places 1:10m (Natural Earth) Shapefile

7343 Cities

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Download from (Populated Places)

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No permission is needed to use Natural Earth. Crediting the authors is unnecessary.

However, if you wish to cite the map data, simply use one of the following.

Short text: Made with Natural Earth

Are there any parameters on the cities you want?

GeoNames might be a good resource. Under their tools page there is a GeoNames csv file to shapefile converter. It might take a little bit of work and sifting through the data to get exactly what you want.

Must it be a shapefile? Google Maps offer something like you asked as a kml file (kmz in fact, which is just a zip containing a kml), at,165.9375&spn=130.849955,280.898438&z=2&source=embed