class method js code example

Example 1: javascript class

class ClassMates{
    	return + "is " + this.age + " years old!";

let classmate = new ClassMates("Mike Will",15);
classmate.displayInfo();  // result: Mike Will is 15 years old!

Example 2: javascript classes

//use classes by initiating one like so:
class MyClass {
	constructor(FirstProperty, SecondProperty, etcetera) {
    	//The constructor function is called with the new class 
      	//instance's parameters, so this will be called like so:
      	//var classExample = new MyClass("FirstProperty's Value", ...)
      this.firstProperty = FirstProperty;
      this.secondProperty = SecondProperty;
  //creat methods just like functions:
  method(Parameters) {
  	//Code Here
  //getters are properties that are calculated when called, versus fixed
  //variables, but still have no parenthesis when used
  get getBothValues() 
  	return [firstProperty, secondProperty];
//Note: this is all syntax sugar reducing the boilerplate versus a
// function-defined object.

Example 3: javascript class

class Rectangle {
  constructor(height, width) {
    this.height = height;
    this.width = width;
  // Getter
  get area() {
    return this.calcArea();
  // Method
  calcArea() {
    return this.height * this.width;

const square = new Rectangle(10, 10);

console.log(square.area); // 100

Example 4: javascript class

//JavaScript class: Here a quick code example

// Basic class
class Rectangle {
  // Constructor
  constructor(height, width) {
    // Member variables
    this.height = height;
    this.width = width;

    // Access static member variable
  // Getter
  get area() {
    return this.calcArea();
  // Method
  calcArea() {
    return this.height * this.width;

  // Static method
  static calcArea(width, height) {
    return width * height;

// Static member variable
Rectangle.count = 0;

// Class instantiation
const square = new Rectangle(10, 10);

// Access member variable
console.log(square.height, square.width); // 10 10

// Call getter
console.log(square.area);	// 100

// Call method
console.log(square.calcArea()); // 100

// Access static member variable
console.log(Rectangle.count); // 1

// Call static method
console.log(Rectangle.calcArea(15, 15));  // 225

Example 5: es6 class example

'use strict' 
class Polygon { 
   constructor(height, width) { 
      this.h = height; 
      this.w = width;
   test() { 
      console.log("The height of the polygon: ", this.h) 
      console.log("The width of the polygon: ",this. w) 

//creating an instance  
var polyObj = new Polygon(10,20); 

Example 6: javascript classes

class SayHelloTo {
  name (to) {
    console.log(`Hello ${to}`);
  constructor (to) {;
const helloWorld = new SayHelloTo(World);