class required a single bean, but 2 were found:

You may simply name your bean using

public MockMailSender getMockMailSender() { }

and then decorate the autowired field with

private MailSender smtpkMailSender;

Since you're using java config you should mark config method with @Primary annotation, and not a class:

public class MailConfig {
    public SmtpkMailSender getSmtpkMailSender(){
        return new SmtpkMailSender();

    public MockMailSender getMockMailSender(){
        return new MockMailSender();

You can use @Qualifier annotation for specify which specific type of your implementation, you want to autowire.

public class MailController {

   private MailSender smtpkMailSender;

   public String send(){
      smtpkMailSender.sender("Person", "Important", "Take Care");
      return "mail is sent";
