Class X is implemented in both <framework> and <application> one of the two will be used, which one is undefined

For closed-source static libraries we recommend cocoapods-packager. I'm not sure it's support for frameworks though.

My solution was to take the source code from the cocoa pod and create a Cocoa Touch Framework for it. Then I linked the framework to my api and to my test app. This isn't great but it is all I could do quickly. I believe Cocoapods is working on supporting frameworks so this solution may get outdated soon enough.

My company also uses gradle for dependencies (java) and build scripting. So I created a groovy/gradle build task that builds my framework and my supporting frameworks (cocoapod frameworks) and creates a universal framework from them. Then it zips all of the frameworks. This means I can distribute one zip with all of the requirements. This obviously isn't the nicest way to distribute (we'll be moving to distributing through Cocoapods with dependencies on our closed source frameworks), but it is fast to setup.