clear terminal code example

Example 1: clear terminal windows

will clear the windows terminal

Example 2: windows clear terminal

Type in "cls" and press enter

Example 3: clear terminal

clear               # only clear visible screen
clear && clear      # clear buffer as well
tput clear          # same as clear but by sending escape seq
reset               # clear + reset internal terminal state + 1sec delay
tput reset          # same as reset but without 1sec delay
stty sane           # don't clear screen but reset some terminal options
echo -e "\033c"     # same as tput reset but hardcoded escape seq
printf "\033c"      # same as tput reset but hardcoded escape seq
setterm -reset      # same as tput reset, setterm has friendlier commands

Example 4: clear terminal on windows

; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Cntr-L should clear screen
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#IfWinActive ahk_class ConsoleWindowClass
Send cls{Enter}


Example 5: clear terminal

//clean terminal only on windows


Sql Example