Clear the cache from the Rails asset pipeline

Also try rake assets:clobber. This will totally reset everything and delete all compiled assets. In addition, I often need to set the environment before pushing to production by going: RAILS_ENV=production rake assets:precompile.

I'm assuming we're talking about the production environment.

When you change any of your javascripts or stylesheets in the production environment, you need to run rake assets:precompile; this task compiles and compresses the various .js and .css files and creates the application.js and application.css files that is loaded by your views.

It's possible that if you replaced jquery.autoresize.js with a version with an older timestamp, the precompile step might skip it, thinking the compiled version is up-to-date. You can avoid that by running rake assets:clean first, forcing it to rebuild everything in the public/assets directory from scratch.