CLion uses system memory excessively

The post is 2 years old, but I am also having this issue with CLion 2018.1, and I imagine, others do, too. Some tips that worked for me:

  • Excluding directories from indexing.
  • Deleting source files I don't need.
  • Resolving a circular dependency between two classes. (Note: I can't vouch it was exactly that, because I tried several things at once, and it seems odd that such a powerful IDE would be affected by such an issue, but I can't rule it out.)
  • If it's really bad, the indexing can be paused. Guaranteed to reduce the memory usage. Of course, the intelligent completion won't work then.

Currently the RAM usage is stable at ~1 Gb with RocksDB, RapidJson, and ~50 classes.

UPDATE: tweaking clion64.exe.vmoptions reduced the consumption radically.

Same issue here. I haven't used CLion just sitting there so that I do not have to open again, 2 projects few files open, nothing major, still eating up +3GB is not something that I can accept, switching back to Sublime, that works fine, as others have mentioned I am using it only for editing/refactoring, compilation happens in Terminal.

(PyCharm has similar issues)

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