cmv wab widgets code example
Example 1: cmv wab widgets
widget: {
include: true,
id: 'widget',
type: 'titlePane',
position: 0,
title: 'Aloha Threat Zone',
canFloat: true,
resizable: true, // This widget is resizable when floating
open: true,
path: 'jimu/BaseWidgetPanel', // Note the path
options: {
// use the WAB WidgetManager (required)
widgetManager: true,
// This widget requires some height to work properly
style: 'height:400px;',
config: {
widgets: [
id: 'WABWidget',
uri: 'widgets/AlohaThreatZone/Widget' // Note the path
Example 2: cmv wab widgets
saveSession: {
include: true,
id: 'saveSession',
type: 'titlePane',
position: 0,
title: 'Save Session',
open: true,
path: 'jimu/BaseWidgetPanel', // Note the path
options: {
// use the WAB WidgetManager (required)
widgetManager: true,
config: {
widgets: [
id: 'WABSaveSession',
uri: 'widgets/SaveSession/Widget', // Note the path
// includes an optional configuration
config: {
fileNameForAllSessions: "cmvSessions.json",
fileNameTplForSession: "cmvSessions_${name}.json"
Example 3: cmv wab widgets
query: {
include: true,
id: 'query',
type: 'titlePane',
position: 8,
title: 'Query',
open: false,
path: 'jimu/BaseWidgetPanel', // Note the path
options: {
// use the WAB WidgetManager (required)
widgetManager: true,
config: {
widgets: [
id: 'WABQuery',
uri: 'wabwidgets/Query/Widget', // Note the path
// more complex configuration passed to WAB Widget
config: {
queries: [
name: 'Cities',
url: '',
filter: {
logicalOperator: 'AND',
parts: [
fieldObj: {
name: 'POP_RANK',
label: 'POP_RANK',
shortType: 'number',
type: 'esriFieldTypeInteger'
operator: 'numberOperatorIs',
valueObj: {
isValid: true,
type: 'value',
value: 3
interactiveObj: '',
caseSensitive: false,
expr: 'POP_RANK = 3'
expr: 'POP_RANK = 3'
popup: {
title: '${CITY_NAME}',
fields: [
name: 'CITY_NAME',
alias: 'CITY_NAME',
specialType: 'none'
resultsSymbol: {
color: [
size: 18,
angle: 0,
xoffset: 0,
yoffset: 0,
type: 'esriSMS',
style: 'esriSMSCircle',
outline: {
color: [
width: 0.75,
type: 'esriSLS',
style: 'esriSLSSolid'
objectIdField: 'OBJECTID',
orderByFields: []