Cocoa/Obj-C - Open file when dragging it to application icon

First add the proper extensions to CFBundleDocumentTypes inside the .plist file.

Next implement the following delegates:
- application:openFile: (one file dropped)
- application:openFiles: (multiple files dropped)

NSApplicationDelegate Protocol Reference

Response to comment:

Step by step example, hopefully it makes everything clear :)

Add to the .plist file:

                <string>XML File</string>

Add to ...AppDelegate.h

- (BOOL)processFile:(NSString *)file;
- (IBAction)openFileManually:(id)sender;

Add to ...AppDelegate.m

- (IBAction)openFileManually:(id)sender;
    NSOpenPanel *openPanel  = [NSOpenPanel openPanel];
    NSArray *fileTypes = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"xml",nil];
    NSInteger result  = [openPanel runModalForDirectory:NSHomeDirectory() file:nil types:fileTypes ];
    if(result == NSOKButton){
        [self processFile:[openPanel filename]];

- (BOOL)application:(NSApplication *)theApplication openFile:(NSString *)filename
    return [self processFile:filename];

- (BOOL)processFile:(NSString *)file
    NSLog(@"The following file has been dropped or selected: %@",file);
    // Process file here
    return  YES; // Return YES when file processed succesfull, else return NO.