Cocoapods ld: library not found for -lPods-Projectname

Fixed it by deleting the -lPods-Projectname.a in Link Binary (for newer versions, delete the -lPods-Projectname.a under the Frameworks group).

Whenever I execute "pod install" it leads me to spend several hours fixing build errors. So, I deleted CocoaPods stuff and do not have problems any more! Now I am lucky and happy man.

Start using Swift Package Manager (SPM). If your 3rd party lib still do not support SPM I encourage you to take action on adding SPM support on your own. Here is instructions.

Or create an issue for the 3rd party lib about adding support for SPM.

The exact location that you should remove your libs is at:

  • Remove -lyourlibname.a in "Link Binary With Libraries" on "Build Phases" of your target.

You can try "Build Active Architecture Only" = YES . it may be solving problem.