Code block in numbered list (Wiki syntax)

Use html:


it will work in mediawiki.

Note from the example that I posted below, it is the </li> that makes it work properly.

This works fine in MediaWiki 1.17.0:

===Alternative way of using pre in numbered lists.===    
# Numbered line 1.
# Numbered line 2.<pre>code line 1&#10;code line 2</pre>
# Numbered line 3.

The secret is to replace the newlines with the entity and write everything in one line.

You could try the following wiki syntax, it works for me on 1.17

# one
#::some stuff
#::some more stuff</pre>
# two

It is not perfect, because you end up with a more indent but it does allow one to use the wiki syntax for correctly formatted pre blocks over multiple lines.

As previously mentioned, the other proper way would be to use HTML mark up.

<pre>some stuff
some more stuff</pre>