Code Sign Error in macOS High Sierra Xcode - resource fork, Finder information, or similar detritus not allowed

Solution 1:

Apple Developer Website Answers above problem Here.

Execute below command in terminal : First goto projects root folder

 xattr -cr <path_to_project_dir>

Clean Xcode and Re Build. Cheers

Solution 2:

Just go to project root directory and run this command xattr -cr .

xattr -cr .

Clean Xcode and Re Build. Done.

Solution 3:

You can fix this problem by finding files which holds finder information.

In terminal, goto project root directory and execute

ls -alR@ . > kundapura.txt

This creates kundapura.txt in current directory. Now search for and clear this attributes for all files. You can do it like this

xattr -c <filename>

Example: xattr -c guru.png

Once you clear all then code sign works. Clean Xcode and Re Build. Cheers

Solution 4: Inspired by Mark McCorkle's Answer

In terminal, goto project's root directory and execute one by one command

  find . -type f -name '*.jpeg' -exec xattr -c {} \;
  find . -type f -name '*.jpg' -exec xattr -c {} \;
  find . -type f -name '*.png' -exec xattr -c {} \;
  find . -type f -name '*.json' -exec xattr -c {} \;

Clean Xcode and Re Build. Done.

The error is from attributes inside your image files. This happened from our graphics designer saving images from photoshop with attributes.

Here is a simple command to find all of your png files and remove their attributes. Run this in your projects root directory from terminal. Clean and rebuild; problem solved.

find . -type f -name '*.png' -exec xattr -c {} \;

If you have this error when codesigning an app:

resource fork, Finder information, or similar detritus not allowed Command /usr/bin/codesign failed with exit code 1

Go to your project root folder and execute

find . | xargs -0 xattr -c

This will clear attributes for all files.

In Sierra, the rules on what can be in a signed bundle have been tightened, and resource forks are no longer allowed. AppleScript has been saving information in resource forks forever, although that information has been unused for a long time. With Sierra, when you save a script, this resource fork information will no longer be saved.

It means you cannot codesign a script that was last saved in a version before Sierra; you have to save in Sierra to be able to sign in Sierra.

The people likely to be affected by are who bundle other scripts within their scripts (cordova?). They will not be able to sign the container script until all the embedded scripts have been resaved under Sierra.


Seems like this also works:

xattr -rc .

If you have any insufficient permissions error try to prepend sudo: sudo xattr -rc .