coldfusion cfc examples

Example 1: coldfusion example application.cfc

component { = "myApplication";
    this.applicationTimeout = CreateTimeSpan(10, 0, 0, 0); //10 days
    this.datasource = "my_datasource";
    this.sessionManagement = true;
    this.sessionTimeout = CreateTimeSpan(0, 0, 30, 0); //30 minutes
    this.customTagPaths = [ expandPath('/myAppCustomTags') ];
    this.mappings = {
        "/foo" = expandPath('/com/myCompany/foo')

    // see also:
    // see also:

    function onApplicationStart() {
        return true;

    function onSessionStart() {}

    // the target page is passed in for reference,
    // but you are not required to include it
    function onRequestStart( string targetPage ) {}

    function onRequest( string targetPage ) {
        include arguments.targetPage;

    function onRequestEnd() {}

    function onSessionEnd( struct SessionScope, struct ApplicationScope ) {}

    function onApplicationEnd( struct ApplicationScope ) {}

    function onError( any Exception, string EventName ) {}


Example 2: cf function coldfusion

name = "method name"
access = "method access"
consumes="MIME types"
description = "function description"
displayName = "name"
hint = "hint text"
output = "yes|no"
produces="MIME type"
returnFormat = "not specified|JSON|plain|WDDX"
returnType = "data type"
roles = "securityRoles"
restPath="sub-resource path"
secureJSON = "yes|no"
verifyClient = "no|yes">


Misc Example