Color weekend at Fullcalendar
Did you add style to the class in your css file?
You might also try this:
.fc-fri { color:blue; }
.fc-sat { color:red; }
(or .fc-sun for Sunday) You can see the example here:
This worked for me:
.fc-sun {
border-color: black;
background-color: #ffa58c; }
In version 4 you can add an event for all Sundays or another days together using "daysOfWeek".
events: [
daysOfWeek: [0,6], //Sundays and saturdays
color: "#ff9f89",
overLap: false,
allDay: true
I recommend that you use this method because you can easily change it with server-side scripting languages (like PHP, Node.js, JavaScript, etc.)