Colored logcat in android studio by colorpid

You can customize colors at Preferences – Editor – Color Scheme – Android Logcat.

Android logcat color editor

Here is Darcula theme, suggested by Matouš Skála:

Darcula colors:

Debug  : 6897BB
Info   : 6A8759
Warn   : BBB529
Error  : FF6B68
Assert : 9876AA

Darcula theme

Only show logcat from selected process is supported by default feature at AndroidStudio. If you are not satisfied with current customizations you need to continue to use your favorite shell with JakeWharton srcipt as for now.

If you already use Solarized Dark elsewhere, try these with Darcula:

Verbose   657B83
Debug     93A1A1
Info      22AAAA
Warning   B58900
Error     CB4B16
Assert    6C71C4

Preview of Solarized color scheme on background of dark grey.

As of Android Studio 1.1.0 the Preferences menu was not visible in the menu bar (Atleast in Ubuntu). So I am posting a new answer that might help others:

Goto FileSettings or press Ctrl+Alt+S this will open the Settings dialog (see screenshot)

Now under IDE Settings navigate to EditorColors & FontsAndroid Logcat you can customize the colors of your choice.

NOTE: make sure you un-check the Inherit Attributes From: checkbox in order to edit the scheme.

Settings Dialog