Colored text with dcolumn

I can provide an approach by redefining the internal definition of the output.

The contents of a dcolumn is saved in two boxes and so you have to set the color before the output. Additional you must reset the color.

The example below provides a new command \dcolcolor to set the color of a cell defined by dcolumn. The usage is simple (\dcolcolor has one mandatory argument):


Here the example:




note & 1.32\\
\color{red}note & 1.32 \\
note &\dcolcolor{red} 1.32 \\
 note & 1.32\\
 note & \dcolcolor{red}1.32\\
 \textcolor{red}{note} & 1.32 \\

You may want to also check out the formatting capabilities of the siunitx package. The package provides, among many other things, a column type labeled S. With this package loaded instead of dcolumn, your MWE would like this this:


note & 1.32\\
\color{red}note & 1.32 \\
\color{red}note & \color{red}1.32 \\
\textcolor{red}{note} & 1.32 \\
\textcolor{red}{note} & \textcolor{red}{1.32} \\

enter image description here

Observe that the package and its S column type have no problems with either \color or \textcolor.


