ColorFunction based on array index in ListLinePlot
data = Table[E^-0.001 x {Cos[x], Sin[x]}, {x, 0, 100, 0.1}];
indexlist = Rescale[Range @ Length @ data] (* or your external list to control color*);
iF = Interpolation[MapThread[{#, #2} &, {data, indexlist}], InterpolationOrder -> 1];
AspectRatio -> 1,
ColorFunctionScaling -> False,
ColorFunction -> (ColorData[{"Rainbow", "Reversed"}][ iF[#, #2]]&)]
Alternative methods:
PolarPlot[E^-0.001 x , {x, 0, 100},
ColorFunction -> (ColorData[{"Rainbow", "Reversed"}][#3] &)
same picture
ParametricPlot[E^-0.001 x {Cos[x], Sin[x]}, {x, 0, 100},
ColorFunction -> (ColorData[{"Rainbow", "Reversed"}][#3] &)]
same picture
Graphics + VertexColors
Graphics[Line[data, VertexColors -> (ColorData[{"Rainbow", "Reversed"}] /@ indexlist)],
Axes -> True]
same picture
I think it is easier to generate the plot you want with ParametricPlot
Like so:
With[{n = 100},
ParametricPlot[E^-0.001 x {Cos[x], Sin[x]}, {x, 0, n},
Mesh -> n - 1,
MeshStyle -> Transparent,
MeshShading ->Table[ColorData[L{"Rainbow", "Reverse"}][i/n], {i, n}]]]
With[{lines=Line/@Partition[Table[E^-0.001 x {Cos[x], Sin[x]}, {x, 0, 100, 0.1}],2,1]},
Frame -> True]]