Column( children: <Widget>[ code example

Example 1: flutter column

  crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
  mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
  children: <Widget>[
    Text('We move under cover and we move as one'),
    Text('Through the night, we have one shot to live another day'),
    Text('We cannot let a stray gunshot give us away'),
    Text('We will fight up close, seize the moment and stay in it'),
    Text('It’s either that or meet the business end of a bayonet'),
    Text('The code word is ‘Rochambeau,’ dig me?'),
    Text('Rochambeau!', style: DefaultTextStyle.of(context).style.apply(fontSizeFactor: 2.0)),

Example 2: flutter column

  children: <Widget>[
    Text('Deliver features faster'),
    Text('Craft beautiful UIs'),
      child: FittedBox(
        fit: BoxFit.contain, // otherwise the logo will be tiny
        child: const FlutterLogo(),


Dart Example