Command-line application for converting SVG to PNG on Mac OS X

Or without installing anything:

qlmanage -t -s 1000 -o . picture.svg 

It will produce picture.svg.png that is 1000 pixels wide.

I have tested it only on OS X 10.6.3.

I found that for me the best tool for the job is rsvg-convert.

It can be found in brew with brew install librsvg and is used like this:

rsvg-convert -h 32 icon.svg > icon-32.png

(This example creates a 32px high png. The width is determined automatically.

ImageMagick is an extremely versatile command-line image editor, which would probably rival Photoshop if it had, you know, a GUI. But who needs those anyways. :P

Something like the following would convert a .svg to .png, after installation:

$ convert picture.svg picture.png

The original .svg isn't deleted.