Comments (#) go to start of line in the insert mode in Vim
I suppose you have set smartindent
in your .vimrc
See :h smartindent
When typing '#' as the first character in a new line, the indent for
that line is removed, the '#' is put in the first column. The indent
is restored for the next line. If you don't want this, use this
mapping: ":inoremap # X^H#", where ^H is entered with CTRL-V CTRL-H.
When using the ">>" command, lines starting with '#' are not shifted
I believe you don't need smartindenting while coding python. So just remove it from your settings or add the following to your .vimrc:
au! FileType python setl nosmartindent
try putting that in your .vimrc:
autocmd BufRead *.py inoremap # X<c-h>#
This will make that the insertion of the hash (pound) sign is always indented in Python source files.