Committing the code on Subversion (first time)

First checkout that repository by

svn checkout <Your URL> svn

Now cd to svn folder, create username folder(amit) in svn folder and commit:

svn commit -m"username folder is created."

Now copy your files in that folder(amit in your case). Now you have to add each new file or new folder:

svn add filename
svn add foldername

Now you can commit these files to server:

svn commit -m"Some new files are added."

Note: Text after -m are comments and you can change it according to your needs.

svn ci is as good as using svn commit

Magic!! :)

If you already have a project that you started working on but it's not an svn working copy yet.

The simplest way ever:

Navigate to the project folder in the terminal using cd and type:

svn co .


svn add --force .


svn commit -m "first commit"