Compare 2 arrays of objects with Underscore to find the differnce

Building on @Jonathan's answer, I have tweaked a version that returns a usable list of differences including which side had diff and the index of the record.

var a = [

var b = [

function diff(arr1, arr2){
    var aDiffs=[]
    function __comp(arrL, arrR, side){
        var rL, rR, bFound
        for(var i=0;i<arrL.length;i++){rL=arrL[i]
            for(var j=0;j<arrR.length;j++){rR=arrR[j]
                if (_.isEqual(rL, rR)){ 
            if (!bFound)aDiffs.push({side: side, ind: i, obj: rL})
    __comp(arr1, arr2, 'l')
    __comp(arr2, arr1, 'r')
    return aDiffs

console.log(JSON.stringify(diff(b, a)).replace(/},{/g, "}\n,{"));



Take a look to this:

var a = [

var b = [

var difference = function(array){
   var rest = Array.prototype.concat.apply(Array.prototype,, 1));

   var containsEquals = function(obj, target) {
    if (obj == null) return false;
    return _.any(obj, function(value) {
      return _.isEqual(value, target);

  return _.filter(array, function(value){ return ! containsEquals(rest, value); });

console.log(JSON.stringify(difference(b, a)));
> [{"ListingId":1762276,"Rating":2,"ListPrice":7411828,"PropertyType":"Residential"}]

The code is based on the original function difference from underscore, but it performs a deep comparison between objects using isEqual.

If the order does not change, a simple iteration will do it. Underscore provides the find method for this task:

var changedObj = _.find(newVal, function(obj, index) {
    return obj.Rating != oldVal[index].Rating;