Compare dates between datetimes with Doctrine

There is a difference between the date and datetime types in doctrine.

date: Type that maps a SQL DATETIME to a PHP DateTime object.

datetime: Type that maps a SQL DATETIME/TIMESTAMP to a PHP DateTime object.

Make sure you have set the column type to date instead of datetime.

Alternatively - as a workaround - you could get the day from the original date1 and then search between a same-day date2 -> 00:00:00 and same-day date3 -> 23:59:59 using a custom repository method.

I see this simple way:

$now = new \DateTime();

$data = $entityRepository->getByDate($now);

then in your repository

public function getByDate(\Datetime $date)
    $from = new \DateTime($date->format("Y-m-d")." 00:00:00");
    $to   = new \DateTime($date->format("Y-m-d")." 23:59:59");

    $qb = $this->createQueryBuilder("e");
        ->andWhere(' BETWEEN :from AND :to')
        ->setParameter('from', $from )
        ->setParameter('to', $to)
    $result = $qb->getQuery()->getResult();

    return $result;

Method in repository

public function getDays(\DateTime $firstDateTime, \DateTime $lastDateTime)
    $qb = $this->getEntityManager()->createQueryBuilder()
        ->from('ProjectBundle:Calendar', 'c')
        ->where(' BETWEEN :firstDate AND :lastDate')
        ->setParameter('firstDate', $firstDateTime)
        ->setParameter('lastDate', $lastDateTime)

    $result = $qb->getQuery()->getResult();

    return $result;

And action

public function calendarAction()
    $currentMonthDateTime = new \DateTime();
    $firstDateTime = $currentMonthDateTime->modify('first day of this month');
    $currentMonthDateTime = new \DateTime();
    $lastDateTime = $currentMonthDateTime->modify('last day of this month');

    $days = $this->getDoctrine()
        ->getDays($firstDateTime, $lastDateTime);

    return ['days' => $days];