Compare Directory Tree

Meld is a very good graphical diff tool (and more):

meld dir1 dir2 &

enter image description here

diff can compare directory trees, too.

diff <dir1> <dir2>

Or if you don't want to see the files content differences:

diff -q <dir1> <dir2>

Some graphical tools available in Ubuntu repos: dirdiff, fldiff, kdiff3, meld, mgdiff.

A less technical approach would be to use gui synchronization software such as FreeFileSync (Visual folder comparison and synchronization)

There is a ppa at launchpad:

Put these lines in a terminal:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:freefilesync/ffs
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install freefilesync

I've successfully been using this tool for a few years now to back-up and/or sync folders on Windows and Ubuntu.

See this screenshot I set-up displaying what it would do in your situation:

enter image description here