Compare software version in postgres

You can split the version to array and then do array comparison.

select regexp_split_to_array(v1, '\.')::int[] v1, 
       regexp_split_to_array(v2, '\.')::int[] v2,
       regexp_split_to_array(v1, '\.')::int[] > regexp_split_to_array(v2, '\.')::int[] cmp
from versions;


Use the cheaper string_to_array(). There is no need for expensive regular expressions here:

SELECT string_to_array(v1, '.')::int[] AS v1
     , string_to_array(v2, '.')::int[] AS v2
     ,(string_to_array(v1, '.')::int[] > string_to_array(v2, '.')::int[]) AS cmp
FROM   versions;

db<>fiddle here
Old sqlfiddle