Comparing text files with Junit

As of 2015, I would recomment AssertJ, an elegant and comprehensive assertion library. For files, you can assert against another file:

public void file() {
    File actualFile = new File("actual.txt");
    File expectedFile = new File("expected.txt");

or against inline strings:

public void inline() {
    File actualFile = new File("actual.txt");
            "foo 1",
            "foo 2",
            "foo 3"

The failure messages are very informative as well. If a line is different, you get:

and file:
do not have equal content:
Expected :foo 2
Actual   :foo 20

and if one of the files has more lines you get:

and file:
do not have equal content:
Expected :EOF
Actual   :foo 4

Here is a more exhaustive list of File comparator's in various 3rd-party Java libraries:

  • org.dbunit.util.FileAsserts
  • org.fest.assertions.FileAssert
  • junitx.framework.FileAssert
  • org.springframework.batch.test.AssertFile
  • org.netbeans.junit.NbTestCase
  • org.assertj.core.api.FileAssert

Here's one simple approach for checking if the files are exactly the same:

assertEquals("The files differ!", 
    FileUtils.readFileToString(file1, "utf-8"), 
    FileUtils.readFileToString(file2, "utf-8"));

Where file1 and file2 are File instances, and FileUtils is from Apache Commons IO.

Not much own code for you to maintain, which is always a plus. :) And very easy if you already happen to use Apache Commons in your project. But no nice, detailed error messages like in mark's solution.

Heh, looking closer at the FileUtils API, there's an even simpler way:

assertTrue("The files differ!", FileUtils.contentEquals(file1, file2));

As a bonus, this version works for all files, not just text.

junit-addons has nice support for it: FileAssert

It gives you exceptions like:

junitx.framework.ComparisonFailure: aa Line [3] expected: [b] but was:[a]