Compilation Error "! Missing \endcsname inserted" The control sequence marked <to be read again> should not appear between \csname and \endcsname

You have a wrong character in one of your labels:


where, between LLVM and Deobfuscation, you have the Unicode character U+200E (LEFT-TO-RIGHT MARK) that somehow sneaked in.

Retype the label and you should be OK.

For others if you have not tried to delete all the generated files from pdflatex and bibtex, then do that before any other changes, because it could be a compilation error.

I never wrote Vietnamese and don't know if it can be done with pdflatex. However, if I use xelatex instead and

%\usepackage[utf8x]{vietnam}%% xelatex is by default utf8
\usepackage{fontspec}%% load unicode fonts

I'll get a proper output with out any errors.

