Compiler optimization of bitwise not operation

The problem is integer promotion. The ~ operator is very dangerous!

In case of ~bufi[i], the operand of ~ gets promoted according to the integer promotions. Making the code equivalent to ~(int)bufi[i].

So in the second case buf[i] != (~bufi[i]) you get something like 0xXX != 0xFFFFFFFFYY, where "XX" and "YY" are the actual values you wish to compare and 0xFFFF is unintended crap placed there by taking the bitwise complement of an int. This will always evaluate to true so the compiler might optimize away parts of the code, creating a very subtle bug.

In case of tmp = ~bufi[i]; you dodge this bug by truncating 0xFFFFFFFFYY into "YY", the value you are interested in.

See Implicit type promotion rules for details. Also consider adopting MISRA-C to dodge subtle bugs like this.

As already noted by Lundin and dbush, the comparison in the second version always fails because the opposite of any uint8 value promoted to int is different from all uint8 values. In other words, the second version is equivalent to:

// this does NOT work as expected (I only removed the tmp!)
uint8 verifyInverseBuffer(uint8 *buf, uint8 *bufi, uint32 len) {
    if (len) return 0;
    return 1;

As can be seen on Godbolt's compiler explorer, both gcc and clang detect this and optimize the code out completely:

    test    edx, edx
    sete    al

gcc produces a rather cryptic warning, pointing a suspicious signed/unsigned comparison issue which is not the real problem... Close but no banana.

<source>: In function 'verifyInverseBuffer':
<source>:8:16: warning: comparison of promoted bitwise complement of an unsigned value with unsigned [-Wsign-compare]
    8 |     if (buf[i] != (~bufi[i]))
      |                ^~
Compiler returned: 0

What you see happening is a result of the rules of integer promotions. Anytime a variable smaller than an int is used in an expression the value is promoted to type int.

Suppose bufi[i] contains the value 255. The hex representation of this is 0xFF. This value is then operand of the ~ operator. So the value will first be promoted to int which (assuming it is 32 bit) will have the value 0x000000FF, and applying ~ to this gives you 0xFFFFFF00. You then compare this value with buf[i] which is of type uint8_t. The value 0xFFFFFF00 is outside of this range so the comparison will always be false.

If you assign the result of the ~ back to a variable of type uint8_t, the value 0xFFFFFF00 is converted to 0x00. It is this converted value that is then compared against buf[i].

So the behavior you see is not the result of an optimization but the rules of the language. Using a temp variable as you are is one way to address this issue. You could also cast the result to uint8:

if(buf[i] != (uint8)(~bufi[i]))

Or mask out all but the lowest order byte:

if(buf[i] != (~bufi[i] & 0xff))




