Component does not remount when route parameters change

You have to be clear, that a route change will not cause a page refresh, you have to handle it yourself.

import theThingsYouNeed from './whereYouFindThem'

export default class Project extends React.Component {

    componentWillMount() {

        this.state = {

        // fire action to update redux project store

    componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {
         * this is the initial render
         * without a previous prop change
        if(prevProps == undefined) {
            return false

         * new Project in town ?
        if ( != {


    render() { <Project .../> }

If the link is directing to the same route with just a different param, it's not remounting, but instead receiving new props. So, you could use the componentWillReceiveProps(newProps) function and look for newProps.params.projectId.

If you're trying to load data, I would recommend fetching the data on before the router handles the match using static methods on the component. Check out this example. React Router Mega Demo. That way, the component would load the data and automatically update when the route params change without needing to rely on componentWillReceiveProps.

If you do need a component remount when route changes, you can pass a unique key to your component's key attribute (the key is associated with your path/route). So every time the route changes, the key will also change which triggers React component to unmount/remount. I got the idea from this answer

Here is my answer, similar to some of the above but with code.

<Route path="/page/:pageid" render={(props) => (
  <Page key={props.match.params.pageid} {...props} />)
} />