Compute area between two ListPlot joined list (area filled by Filling -> {1 -> {2}})

  1. You can extract the polygons in llp using Cases:

llp = ListLinePlot[{{1, 2, 4, 3, 1}, {3, 6, 5, 1, 0}}, Filling -> {1 -> {2}}];

polygons = Cases[Normal@llp, _Polygon, All]


Area /@ polygons

{5.66667, 2.16667}

Total @ %


  1. You can use BoundaryDiscretizeGraphics to get a MeshRegion and get its Area or RegionMeasure:

Area @ BoundaryDiscretizeGraphics @ llp


RegionMeasure @ BoundaryDiscretizeGraphics[llp]


  1. Use Interpolation on the two lists to get two functions and NIntegrate to get area between the two:

lists = {{1, 2, 4, 3, 1}, {3, 6, 5, 1, 0}};
{if1, if2} = Interpolation[#, InterpolationOrder -> 1] & /@ lists; (*thanks: Mr.Wizard*)

NIntegrate[Abs[if1[t] - if2[t]], {t, 1, 5}]


One could also go with a fully analytical approach:

l1 = {1, 2, 4, 3, 1};
l2 = {3, 6, 5, 1, 0};

s1 = Subsequences[l1, {2}];
s2 = Subsequences[l2, {2}];
s = Transpose[{s1, s2}];

Edit: to avoid the code breaking when a polygon has area = 0, one can replace s with:

s = Select[Transpose[{s1, s2}], #[[1]] != #[[2]] &]

To speed up computation, one might want to add this check in a nested if within the BlocksArea function, but it would need some testing for checking which solution is the fastest.

BlocksArea[x_] := Block[{diff = x[[2]] - x[[1]], h},
  If[Times @@ Sign[diff] == 1,
   h = (-x[[1, 1]] + x[[2, 1]])/(-x[[1, 1]] + x[[1, 2]] + x[[2, 1]] - x[[2, 2]]);
   Total[Abs[diff]*{h, 1 - h}/2]

Total[BlocksArea /@ s]


what the code does is computing the area of the regions between 3 point piece by piece: if the points form trapezoid shape the area is computed as the sum of the bases, times the height, divided by 2. if the points form two triangles, one can find the height of the triangles and then the corresponding areas.

It looks like the code in my answer runs faster than the ones above (see a non-exhaustive benchmark below), and I'm pretty sure that one can speed up my code by rewriting it (keeping the same underline concept) for efficiently compiling it to C.

I think it's also suitable for parallelisation, as the lists of points can be split in the number of cores/kernel available for computing the area of each piece on a different thread.

Here a speed comparison:

kglr, code in point 3:

 {if1, if2} = 
  Interpolation[#, InterpolationOrder -> 1] & /@ 
 NIntegrate[Abs[if1[t] - if2[t]], {t, 1, 5}]

{0.011, 7.83333}

J. M. is in limbo♦ code:

 Integrate[Abs[Apply[Subtract, makePW[#, t] & /@ lists]], {t, 1, 5}]

{0.020, 47/6}

my code:

RepeatedTiming[s1 = Subsequences[l1, {2}];
 s2 = Subsequences[l2, {2}];
 s = Transpose[{s1, s2}];
 Total[BlocksArea /@ s]]

{0.00033, 47/6}

EDIT: Difference when comparing two long lists (10000 samples)

generating the lists:

lists = {l1, l2} = RandomInteger[{0, 10}, {2, 10000}];

output of the timing (in the same order as above):

kglr: 0.66

J. M. is in limbo♦: 4.4

Fraccalo: 0.19