Conda: installing local development package into single conda environment

Okay, I figured out the issue behind the question.

If you create a conda environment, make sure to include pip and ipython. Otherwise, it will not setup the path to point to environment specific versions of these utilities.


conda create -n superbad scikit-learn
source activate superbad
pip install -e fnawesome  # (installs in default env b/c pip is global pip)
ipython  # runs global ipython with access to global site packages
python # runs the environment's python with no access to fnawesome

this works as expected:

conda create -n superbad scikit-learn pip ipython
source activate superbad
pip install -e fnawesome  # installing into superbad site packages
ipython  # runs superbad ipython
python  # runs the environment's python with access to fnawesome
source deactivate
ipython # no access to fnawesome

You can configure a list of default packages that will be installed into any conda environment automatically

conda config --add create_default_packages pip --add create_default_packages ipython

will make it so that conda create will always include pip and ipython in new environments (this command is the same as adding

  - ipython
  - pip

to your .condarc file).

To create an environment without these, use conda create --no-default-packages.