Conditional pipeline

Just the usual && and || operators:

cmd1 < input.txt |
cmd2 |
( [ -n "$DEFINED" ] && cmd3 || cat ) |
cmd4 |
cmd5 |
cmd6 |
(...) |
cmdN > result.txt

Although, as specified by this answer, you would generally prefer if ... else, if you're after the if-else syntax:

  cmd2 |
  if [ -n "$DEFINED" ]; then cmd3; else cat; fi |
  cmd4 |

(Note that no trailing backslash is needed when the line ends with pipe.)

Update according to Jonas' observation.
If cmd3 may terminate with non-zero exit code and you not want cat to process the remaining input, reverse the logic:

cmd1 < input.txt |
cmd2 |
( [ -z "$DEFINED" ] && cat || cmd3 ) |
cmd4 |
cmd5 |
cmd6 |
(...) |
cmdN > result.txt

if/else/fi works. Assuming any Bourne-like shell:

cmd1 < input.txt |
cmd2 |
if [ -n "$DEFINED" ]; then cmd3; else cat; fi |
cmd4 |
cmd5 |
cmd6 |
(...) |
cmdN > result.txt

All the answers given so far replace cmd3 with cat. You can also avoid running any command with:

if [ -n "$DEFINE" ]; then
  alias maybe_cmd3='cmd3 |'
  alias maybe_cmd3=''
cmd1 |
cmd2 |
cmd4 |
... |
cmdN > result.txt

That's POSIX, but note that if in a bash script where bash is not in sh-mode (like with a script starting with #! /path/to/bash), you'll need to enable alias expansion with shopt -s expand_aliases (or set -o posix).

Another approach that still doesn't run any unnecessary command is to use eval:

if [ -n "$DEFINE" ]; then
  maybe_cmd3='cmd3 |'
eval "
  cmd1 |
  cmd2 |
  cmd4 |
  ... |
  cmdN > result.txt"


eval "
  cmd1 |
  cmd2 |
  ${DEFINE:+cmd3 |}
  cmd4 |
  ... |
  cmdN > result.txt"

On Linux (at least), instead of cat, you could use pv -q which uses splice() instead of read() + write() to pass the data across between the two pipes which avoids having the data moved twice between kernel and user space.