Conditional Styling and Binding

Another option for more than one style property:

  • In Template:

<div style="word-break: break-all;" [ngStyle]="{ 'top': getTop() +'px', 'left': getLeft() +'px' }"> </div>

  • And in the Component:

    return (this.topValueShowComment> 0)? this.topValueShowComment : 0;

    return (this.leftValueShowComment> 0)? this.leftValueShowComment : 0;

    *ngIf="eachOutlet.dollarValue != 0"
    [style.color]="eachOutlet.dollarValue < 0 ? 'red' : null">
      {{eachOutlet.dollarValue | number:'1.0-2'}}

You can also create a directive that does the styling (except the number pipe) to make it easier to reuse over different elements.

Plunker example