Conditionally fill column values based on another columns value in pandas
Taking Tom Kimber's suggestion one step further, you could use a Function Dictionary to set various conditions for your functions. This solution is expanding the scope of the question.
I'm using an example from a personal application.
# write the dictionary
def applyCalculateSpend (df_name, cost_method_col, metric_col, rate_col, total_planned_col):
calculations = {
'CPMV' : df_name[metric_col] / 1000 * df_name[rate_col],
'Free' : 0
df_method = df_name[cost_method_col]
return calculations.get(df_method, "not in dict")
# call the function inside a lambda
test_df['spend'] = test_df.apply(lambda row: applyCalculateSpend(
cost_method_col='cost method',
total_planned_col='total planned'), axis = 1)
cost method metric rate total planned spend
0 CPMV 2000 100 1000 200.0
1 CPMV 4000 100 1000 400.0
4 Free 1 2 3 0.0
You probably want to do
df['Normalized'] = np.where(df['Currency'] == '$', df['Budget'] * 0.78125, df['Budget'])
Similar results via an alternate style might be to write a function that performs the operation you want on a row, using row['fieldname']
syntax to access individual values/columns, and then perform a DataFrame.apply method upon it
This echoes the answer to the question linked here: pandas create new column based on values from other columns
def normalise_row(row):
if row['Currency'] == '$'
return result
df['Normalized'] = df.apply(lambda row : normalise_row(row), axis=1)
An option that doesn't require an additional import for numpy
df['Normalized'] = df['Budget'].where(df['Currency']=='$', df['Budget'] * 0.78125)