Configuration setting for Vim PEP-8 plugin to ignore errors and warnings?
For those folks that stumble across this question and the above answer doesn't work, here's some solutions for other Vim Python plugins:
For Syntastic:
let g:syntastic_python_checker="flake8"
let g:syntastic_python_checker_args="--ignore=E501,W601"
UPDATE: newer versions of Syntastic use this instead:
let g:syntastic_python_checkers=["flake8"]
For python-mode:
let g:pymode_lint_ignore="E501,W601"
Ensure that these are set before Pathogen or Vundle are triggered.
You need to set the variable g:pep8_ignore
; you should put this in your vimrc.
let g:pep8_ignore="E501,W601"