ConfigurationProperties loading list from YML

As @flyx say, @PropetySource not worked with yaml files. But in spring you may override almost everything :)

PropertySource has additional parameter: factory. It's possible to create your own PropertySourceFactory base on DefaultPropertySourceFactory

open class YamlPropertyLoaderFactory : DefaultPropertySourceFactory() {
    override fun createPropertySource(name: String?, resource: EncodedResource?): org.springframework.core.env.PropertySource<*> {
        if (resource == null)
            return super.createPropertySource(name, resource)

        return YamlPropertySourceLoader().load(resource.resource.filename, resource.resource, null)

And when use this factory in propertysource annotation:

@PropertySource("classpath:/routing.yml", factory = YamlPropertyLoaderFactory::class)

Last that you need is to initialized variable angular with mutableList

Full code sample:

@PropertySource("classpath:/routing.yml", factory = YamlPropertyLoaderFactory::class)
open class RoutingProperties {
    var angular = mutableListOf("nothing")
    var value: String = ""

    override fun toString(): String {
        return "RoutingProperties(angular=$angular, value='$value')"

open class YamlPropertyLoaderFactory : DefaultPropertySourceFactory() {
    override fun createPropertySource(name: String?, resource: EncodedResource?): org.springframework.core.env.PropertySource<*> {
        if (resource == null)
            return super.createPropertySource(name, resource)

        return YamlPropertySourceLoader().load(resource.resource.filename, resource.resource, null)

@EnableAutoConfiguration(exclude = arrayOf(DataSourceAutoConfiguration::class))
open class Application {
    companion object {
        fun main(args: Array<String>) {
            val context =, *args)

            val bean = context.getBean(
