Configuring a WCF service (Web.config) - HttpsGetEnabled, HttpsGetUrl

This error happened because the setting is logically wrong. If you enable the httpsGetEnabled means, you allow clients to retrieve metadata via https. And if you don't provide a URL about https, how can clients retrieve metadata from https. So the error message alert you to provide a URL.

Either supply an https base address or set HttpsGetUrl to an absolute address.

You have three options.

  1. Provide httpsGetUrl as other answers showed above
  2. Binding an address via IIS

Bindings Site Bindings

(if you are still developing in visual studio then you only need to degug with SSL Enabled mode ) SSL Enabled

  1. Set httpsGetEnabled to false

Now it should be all correct, I just changed the httpGetEnabled and httpsGetEnabled in the proper place (it's already in the config file). But I still get the error. Should I perhaps specify the HttpsGetUrl somewhere? Where?

Yes, see here.

Should be:

  <behavior name="NewBehavior">
    <serviceMetadata httpsGetEnabled="true" 
     httpsGetUrl="https://myComputerName/myEndpoint" />