Conflicts between Circuitikz and Babel

The usual problem with babel shorthands. You cure it with \usetikzlibrary{babel}.



\ctikzset{v/.append style={/tikz/american voltages}}


\begin{circuitikz}[american voltages]
  \draw (0,0) to [sV]
        (0,2) to [R, v^>=$v_1$]  %%This is the problem.
        (3,2) to [C]
        (3,0) -- (0,0)


enter image description here

As you note in the question, the problem has nothing to do with biblatex but with the spanish option of babel. This is due to the > shorthand defined in the Spanish babel. If you don't need or use the shorthands at all then you can turn them off globally with the package option es-noshorthands.


Alternatively if you need the shorthands, you can disable the offending one (>) within the circuitikz environment:


Here's a complete document:


% or if you don't need shorthands at all:
    \ctikzset{v/.append style={/tikz/american voltages}}   

\begin{circuitikz}[american voltages]
      (0,0) to[sV]
      (0,2) to[R, v^>=$v_1$]  %%This is the problem. 
      (3,2) to[C]
      (3,0) -- (0,0)
