console.log not working in Angular2 Component (Typescript)

The console.log should be wrapped in a function , the "default" function for every class is its constructor so it should be declared there.

import { Component } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'hello-console',
    export class App {
     s: string = "Hello2";


It's not working because console.log() it's not in a "executable area" of the class "App".

A class is a structure composed by attributes and methods.

The only way to have your code executed is to place it inside a method that is going to be executed. For instance: constructor()

console.log('It works here')

export class App {
 s: string = "Hello2";
  constructor() {

Think of class like a plain javascript object.

Would it make sense to expect this to work?

class:  {
  s: string,

If you still unsure, try the typescript playground where you can see your typescript code generated into plain javascript.