constructer java code example

Example 1: how to create a constructor in java

class Other{
    public Other(String message){

class scratch{
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Other method = new Other("Hey");
        //prints Hey to the console

Example 2: what is constructor in java

A constructor is a special method used to initialize objects in java.
we use constructors to initialize all variables in the class 
when an object is created. As and when an object
is created it is initialized automatically with the help of 
constructor in java.
We have two types of constructors:
Default Constructor
Parameterized Constructor

public classname(){
public classname(parameters list){

Example 3: constructor in java

A constructor is a special method
used to initialize objects in java.
we use constructors to initialize
all variables in the class 
when an object is created.
  As and when an object
is created it is initialized
automatically with the help of 
constructor in java.
We have two types of constructors:
Default Constructor
Parameterized Constructor

I use Constructor in pages classes in my framework
public classname(){
public classname(parameters list){

Example 4: constructor in java

public class ConstructorDemo
   int a;
      a = 26;
   public static void main(String[] args)
      ConstructorDemo obj = new ConstructorDemo();


Java Example