Drupal - Contextual filters taxonomy name
I assume you've added the Content: Has taxonomy term ID
contextual filter. You can use taxonomy term names with this filter by adjusting Specify validation criteria
settings. here's a screenshot:
Make sure Specify validation criteria
is checked and you should be presented with more options. Under Validator
choose Taxonomy term
. You can optionally select with vocabularies to allow. Under Filter value type
choose Term name converted to Term ID
and check the Transform dashes in URL to spaces in term name filter values
Another way to skin the cat:
I needed the actual taxonomy term name query not converting to term ID.
Here is how to query the taxonomy term name that was passed as a contextual filter:
To get the name you must add a relationship, either on the field or the generic taxonomy relationship. Then you can add any fields for that term as a contextual filter, including the name.