Conversion of coordinates (longitude ; latitude) to (X;Y)

You have so many parentheses in your latitude formula that it’s hard to see what goes with what.

Let $\phi = \mathrm{LatY} \times \frac\pi{180},$ that is, if LatY is the latitude in degrees then $\phi$ is the latitude in radians. Let $h$ be mapHeight and let $w$ be mapWidth. Then your formula for $y$ becomes this in mathematical notation: $$ y = \frac h2 - \frac{w \ln\left(\tan\left(\frac\pi4 + \frac\phi2\right)\right) }{2 \pi} $$

This is similar to the formula found at except for the scaling and translation factors (which you want in order to fit the output on the display).

Solving the equation for $\phi$ (still in radians), $$ \phi = 2 \arctan\left(\exp\left(\frac{2\pi}{w} \left(\frac h2 - y \right) \right)\right) - \frac\pi2. $$ Multiply by $\frac{180}{\pi}$ to get the answer in degrees.

Again it’s hard to be sure due to the profusion of parentheses, but the attempted formula seems to be equivalent to the mathematical equation

$$ \mathrm{lat} = \frac{\exp\left(-\frac{\left(Y - \frac h2 \right)}{w} \times 2 \pi \right) - \tan\left(\frac\pi4\right) \times 2}{\pi / 180}, $$

which is clearly quite different. The fact that $\tan\left(\frac\pi4\right)$ (which is just equal to $1$) occurs in there should be a red flag indicating that something was done in the wrong order.