Convert a file encoding using R? (ANSI to UTF-8)
you can use iconv:
writeLines(iconv(readLines("tmp.html"), from = "ANSI_X3.4-1986", to = "UTF8"), "tmp2.html")
tmp2.html should be utf-8.
Edit by Henrik in June 2015:
A working solution for Windows distilled from the comments is as follows:
writeLines(iconv(readLines("tmp.html"), from = "ANSI_X3.4-1986", to = "UTF8"),
file("tmp2.html", encoding="UTF-8"))
Update 2021: And if ANSI is the current locale, the following works as well (i.e., uses the local encoding as from
writeLines(iconv(readLines("tmp.html"), from = "", to = "UTF8"),
file("tmp2.html", encoding="UTF-8"))